本條款適用於使用位於台灣台北市內湖區之 咻三六零 場館設施(下稱「場館」或「場館設施」),旨在確保所有使用「場館設施」的人員,不論是會員或非會員、成年人或未成年人,均能有安全且愉快的體驗。
「場館設施」係由咻三六零股份有限公司(以下簡稱“我們”,“我們的”或“咻三六零”)依據其與Shoot 360 Nation LLC簽訂之加盟契約所擁有及經營。
· 參賽者係指註冊參加我們舉辦的投籃比賽的參與者。參賽者可以是我們的會員或其他Shoot 360場館的會員。本條款中之某些規定僅適用於參賽者。
· 會員係指與我們簽訂會員合約,且在特定期間內享有使用「場館設施」權利之個人。本條款中之某些規定僅適用於會員。
· 參與者係指使用「場館設施」之任何人,不論其是否為會員、參賽者、成年人或未成年人。
我們會在我們的LINE官方帳號(LINE ID: @shoot360)(「官網」)公告「場館設施」之資訊,包括但不限於營業時間、活動、項目、費用及會員合約。
These Terms and Conditions apply to Shoot 360 Gym in Neihu District, Taipei City, Taiwan (“Facility”) and are designed to ensure that all persons using the Facility, whether they are Members or non-Member guests, adults or minors, have a safe and enjoyable experience.
The Facility is owned and operated by Shoot 360 Asia Inc. (“we,” or “us) under the terms of a Franchise Agreement with Shoot 360 Nation LLC.
These Terms and Conditions refer to certain categories of users defined as follows:
· “Competitor” means a Participant who enrolls in a Shoot 360 Shooting League hosted by us. A Competitor may be our Member or the member of another Shoot 360 Facility. Certain provisions in these Terms and Conditions apply just to Competitors.
· “Member” is a person who enters into a membership contract with us providing access rights to the Facility for a specific period of time. Certain provisions in these Terms and Conditions apply just to Members.
· “Participant” means any person who uses the Facility whether or not he/she is a Member, Competitor, adult or minor.
We post these Terms and Conditions on our official LINE account (LINE ID: @shoot360) (“Facility Webpage”), where we post information relevant to the Facility including but not limited to their operating hours, events, programs, fees, and membership contract.
A printed copy of these Terms and Conditions will be made available on request. These Terms and Conditions will apply to all Participants that use the Facility.
We may change these Terms and Conditions at any time. Changes will become effective immediately when posted unless a later implementation date is specified. Participants are responsible for keeping abreast of these Terms and Conditions and are deemed to accept the then-current Terms and Conditions each time a Participant checks into the Facility.
These Terms and Conditions are not intended to deal with all conceivable issues. If a Participant has any questions about these Terms and Conditions, please contact us.
A. 任何希望使用「場館設施」的參與者,須在到達「場館」後,向「場館」的工作人員報到並在登記簿上簽名。
B. 所有參與者須同意讓我們拍攝並保留一張最新的照片,以便於登記時驗證參與者的身份。此照片僅用於安全目的,除執法機構提出請求外,我們不會將該照片發給Shoot 360 Nation LLC以外之任何人。
A. Participants who desire to use the Facility must check in with a Facility staff member at the Facility’s front desk and sign the Facility’s log-in book when they arrive at the Facility.
B. All Participants must allow us to take and keep a current photo of the Participant on file to verify the Participant’s identify when they check into the Facility. This photo is for security purposes and the Facility will not distribute the photo to anyone other than to Shoot 360 Nation LLC, with the exception of a request from a law enforcement agency.
C. 不得穿著高跟鞋或可能損壞場館表面的鞋子進入「場館」。
D. 參與者須始終遵守適當的禮儀,包括在使用完畢後儘速離開「場館」。違反禮儀規則的參與者可能會被要求離開「場館」,且不得要求退款。
E. 參與者須對「場館」內的其他參與者及場館的員工保持適當的尊重。參與者須避免(i)大聲說話、使用侮辱性、冒犯性、傷害性或誹謗性的語言;(ii)將音樂調到其他人可聽見的音量;(iii)不必要或不適當的觸摸、糾纏、騷擾或接觸他人等行為。倘參與者被要求停止後仍繼續任何不當行為,將被要求離開「場館」,並可能視具體情事會被我們限制在一定期間或永久拒絕進入「場館」。有不當行為的會員可能會被終止或暫停會員資格。
F. 參與者須在「場館」內穿著適當的衣物,包括上衣及鞋子。
G. 不得攜帶外食或飲料進入「場館」,唯一的例外是飲用水,但須放置在不易漏的容器內,且僅限於指定區域內飲用。
H. 參與者在第一次登記時必須簽署免責聲明。我們會在「官網」上提供免責聲明。年滿18歲的參與者及未成年參與者有不同的表格。免責聲明於簽署後永久有效,且適用於參與者每次進入及使用「場館設施」的期間。倘參與者中斷會員資格而重新加入會員,須在簽署新會員合約時重新簽署免責聲明。倘參與者拒絕簽署免責聲明或通知我們撤回先前簽署之免責聲明,則該參與者將無法使用「場館設施」。
J. 倘參與者與我們之間有任何法律訴訟正在進行(無論是參與者或我們提起訴訟),我們得基於自由裁量拒絕該參與者進入「場館」,且於該參與者係會員時,撤銷或暫停該會員之會員資格
Facility Use
C. No black-soled shoes, spiked high heels, or shoes with soles that may mar the court surface may be worn on any courts.
D. Participants must observe proper etiquette at all times. This includes relinquishing courts promptly at the end of their workout session. Participants who violate etiquette rules may be asked to leave the Facility without refund.
E. Participants must observe appropriate decorum and respect for other Participants in the Facility and for the Facility’s employees. Participants must refrain from (i) using loud, abusive, offensive, harmful, or slanderous language; (ii) playing music at a level audible to others; and (iii) unwanted or inappropriate touching, badgering, harassing, or soliciting others in the Facility. A Participant who continues to engage in inappropriate behavior after being asked to desist will be asked to leave the Facility and may subsequently be denied access to the Facility either for a specific or indefinite period in our discretion. Members who engage in inappropriate behavior may have their membership terminated or suspended.
F. Participants must wear appropriate clothing, including shirts and shoes, at all times in the Facility.
G. No outside food or drink may be brought into the Facility with the exception that water in a spill-proof container is allowed in designated areas.
H. Participants must sign a liability waiver form the first time that they sign the Facility’s log-in book. We post the liability waiver forms on the Facility Webpage. Separate liability forms are required for Participants who are over age 18, and those who are minors. The liability waiver will remain in effect indefinitely and apply to every subsequent visit to and use of the Facility. A Participant who cancels his/her membership and subsequently rejoins as a Member must sign a new liability waiver when he/she signs a new membership contract. A Participant will be denied the right to use the Facility if the Participant refuses to sign a liability waiver form or notifies us that he/she withdraws or retracts a previously executed liability waiver form.
I. The Facility may experience increased attendance at various times during the year and at peak periods during the day. We are not liable to a Participant who encounters overcrowding. No portion of any fees, including membership fees, will be refunded to a Participant who experiences overcrowding.
J. At our sole discretion, we may deny a Participant access to the Facility and revoke or suspend the Member’s membership at any time when there is a legal action pending between the Participant and us regardless of which party initiates the action.
K. 使用「場館設施」的所有費用會在「官網」上公布。我們得基於自由裁量決定變更費用,但會盡力在變更生效至少 30 天前透過更新「官網」之方式公告。
L. 非會員之參與者須在使用「場館設施」前支付適用的費用。倘沒有付款記錄,則可能被拒絕進入「場館」。
Use Fees
K. All fees are published on the Facility Webpage. Fees are subject to change at any time at our discretion . We endeavor to provide at least 30 days’ notice before changes take effect by updating information on the Facility Webpage.
L. Participants who are not our Members must pay the applicable fees at or before the time of use and may be denied access to the Facility if there is no record of payment.
M. 當參與者使用「場館設施」時,視為參與者向我們保證其身體健康,且沒有已知或明顯的高傳染性疾病(如 COVID-19)症狀或風險因素,亦沒有任何妨礙其主動或被動參與「場館設施」內的運動,而可能會導致自己或他人增加受傷或對健康產生不良後果風險的病症。如經證實參與者在使用「場館設施」時提供的健康聲明不實,則參與者須對其使用「場館設施」的行為負全部責任,並賠償我們及Shoot 360 Nation LLC的損失。
N. 倘參與者有明顯症狀或風險因素,經我們合理地判斷參與者使用「場館設施」會增加自己或他人受傷或對健康產生不良後果的風險時,可拒絕其進入「場館」。
O. 我們建議參與者在開始前先進行一般性的健康評估。對於先前有健康問題、懷孕、缺乏健身訓練、有高血壓、心臟問題或其他慢性病史的參與者,應在開始活動前咨詢醫療意見。
P. 「場館」內禁止攜帶寵物(包括輔助犬)或自行車。
Q. 我們對參與者攜入「場館」的物品遺失或遭竊不負責任。超過 48 小時未取回的物品可能會被丟棄。
R. 參與者須就其過失、故意不當行為或違反本條款所造成的「場館」、財物、設備損壞或「場館」員工的傷害負責。
S. 倘參與者邀請來賓使用「場館設施」,參與者須就其來賓的過失、故意不當行為或違反本條款所造成的「場館」、財物或設備損壞或「場館」員工的傷害負責。
U. 參與者無條件地授予我們拍攝、錄音及錄影參與者在「場館設施」內活動的照片及視頻,並於動態報導/刊物、手冊、活動指引、廣告中使用這些素材,以及做為一般性地推廣「場館設施」及公開宣傳 Shoot 360 名稱之用。
V. 倘因法規或政府命令禁止或限制使用「場館設施」時,我們可能會在戶外進行某些活動及服務,但不會因此減少、暫停或調整使用費、會費或其他費用。
W. 參與者可在 https://www.shoot360.com/privacy-policy 查閱我們的隱私政策。我們另在「官網」公告參與者進入「場館」前應簽署之個人資料同意書
M. When a Participant uses the Facility, he/she represents to us that he/she is in good health with no known or obvious symptoms or risk factors for a highly communicable disease (i.e. COVID-19), or ailment preventing him/her from engaging in the active or passive exercises and workouts in the Facility which could cause an increased risk of injury or adverse health consequences to him/her or others. A Participant assumes full responsibility for his/her use of the Facility and must indemnify us and Shoot 360 Nation LLC if it is determined that the representations that a Participant makes when he/she uses the Facility are untrue at the time.
N. A Participant may be denied access to the Facility based on obvious symptoms or risk factors that make it reasonable for the Facility to conclude that the Participant’s use of the Facility poses an increased risk of injury or adverse health consequences to him/her or others.
O. We recommend that Participants obtain a general fitness assessment before beginning workout programs. Participants who are at risk due to pre-existing conditions, pregnancy, or lack of prior fitness training, a history of high blood pressure, heart problems, or other chronic illnesses should consult their healthcare provider before commencing workout activities at the Facility.
P. Pets (including service animals) and bicycles are not permitted in the Facility.
Q. We are not responsible for lost or stolen articles that a Participant brings into the Facility. Property left at the Facility for more than 48 hours may be discarded.
R. A Participant is liable to us for the damage to the Facility or its property or equipment or injury to its employees caused by the Participant’s negligence, willful misconduct, or breach of these Terms and Conditions.
S. A Participant who invites a guest to use the Facility with the Participant is liable to us for the damage to the Facility or its property or equipment or injury to its employees caused by his/her guest’s negligence, willful misconduct, or breach of these Terms and Conditions.
T. Tobacco, cannabis, alcohol, or similar products may not be brought on, or used, in any form anywhere in the Facility or in the area immediately outside of the Facility’s building.
U. Participants are deemed to give their unconditional permission to us to photograph, record, and video Participants in the Facility and use these materials in newsletters, brochures, program guides, advertisements, and generally to promote the Facility and publicize the Shoot 360 name to the public.
V. As a result of a local, law or governmental order that prohibits or limits the use of the Facility, we may conduct certain activities and services outdoors without reduction, suspension, abatement, or apportionment of usage fees, membership fees or other charges.
W. Participants may review our privacy policy online at https://www.shoot360.com/privacy-policy We post on the Facility Webpage the personal data consent form that a Participant must sign the first time when he/she signs the Facility’s log-in book.
X. 未滿18歲的兒童被視為未成年人。未成年人僅得在父母或法定監護人的許可及同意下,始能參加適合其年齡的活動。當父母/法定監護人為未成年子女報名參加活動並簽署父母/監護人免責聲明時,視為業經父母或法定監護人之許可及同意。
Y. 倘參與者係未成年人,則父母/法定監護人在每次在「場館」登記簿上簽署子女的名字時,視為業已接受本條款。父母/法定監護人有責任向未成年子女解釋適用於未成年人之條款。如未成年子女在收到「場館」工作人員警告後,仍繼續違反本條款,我們將聯繫父母/法定監護人,並要求將未成年子女帶離「場館」,且已支付的費用將不予退還。我們得依據違反本條款的情況,基於自由裁量決定是否限期或永久禁止該未成年子女再次進入「場館」。
Z. 參與者的父母/法定監護人不允許我們拍攝、錄音或錄影其未成年子女在「場館設施」內的活動時,應在「官網」上填寫選擇退出表格。
AA. 不具會員資格的父母/法定監護人得進入「場館」接送未成年子女,並得在未成年子女活動時,在指定的區域停留以觀察未成年子女的活動。父母/法定監護人須在進入「場館」時簽署登記簿時,為自己及未成年子女簽署免責聲明。不論父母/法定監護人是否為會員,均不得進入或使用「場館設施」的訓練區域或設備,亦不得參與未成年子女的訓練或其他活動,但特定活動或比賽明確邀請父母/法定監護人參與者,父母/法定監護人須就自己參與的活動或比賽簽署成年人參與者免責聲明方可參與。
BB. 參與者的父母/法定監護人應對參與者的過失、故意不當行為或違反本條款而造成「場館」、財物或設備的損壞,或「場館」的員工或其他使用者的傷害,負賠償責任。Additional
Provisions Applicable to Minors
X. Children under age 18 are considered a minor and may only participate in age-appropriate activities in the Facility with their parent’s or legal guardian’s permission and approval, which a parent/guardian needs to give when he/she enrolls his/her child in the activity and signs the parent/guardian liability waiver form.
Y. If a Participant is a minor, his/her parent/guardian is deemed to accept these Terms and Conditions each time he/she signs the child into the Facility’s log-in book. The parent/guardian is responsible for explaining to his/her child these Terms and Conditions that apply to his/her child’s use of the Facility. A parent/guardian will be contacted and asked to remove his/her child from the Facility without refund for fees paid for the child’s session if the child persists in violating these Terms and Conditions after receiving a warning from a Facility staff member. We may deny a child’s future access to the Facility either for a specific or indefinite period in our discretion due to the child’s violation of these Terms and Conditions.
Z. Parents/guardians of a Participant who is a minor may opt out of giving permission to us to photograph, record, or video their child in the Facility by completing an opt-out form on the Facility Webpage.
AA. Parents/guardians who are not Members of the Facility may enter the Facility to drop off and pickup their child and may remain in the Facility during their child’s workout in a designated viewing area to observe their child’s workout. Parents/guardians must sign the Facility’s waiver of liability form for themselves and their child when they sign the Facility log-in book. Whether or not the parent/guardian is a Member, a parent/guardian may not enter or use the Facility’s training areas or equipment while he/she is in the Facility or participates in practices or other activities with their child except when an event or tournament expressly invites parent/guardian’s participation, in which case he/she may only participate if he/she signs an adult Participant liability waiver form for his/her own activities.
BB. Parents/guardians of a Participant who is a minor are liable to us for the damage to the Facility or its property or equipment or injury to our employees or other Facility users caused by their child’s negligence, willful misconduct, or breach of these Terms and Conditions.
DD. 我們得依據我們的政策訂定租用「場館設施」之費用,包括限制租用時間為特定的日期或特定的時段。我們得自行決定是否將「場館設施」租給團體使用。倘我們認為相關使用不符合自身利益、會員利益或 Shoot 360 品牌之利益時,我們得拒絕將「場館設施」租給任何團體。為舉辦特殊活動、私人派對、研討會、比賽或其他活動而租用「場館設施」,可能須另行與我們簽訂租用契約。
EE. 如有預定的「場館」關閉,我們將盡最大努力提前公告,但不會將已支付的任何使用費(包括會費)退還給參與者。
Scheduled Closures and Rental of the Facility
CC. The Facility may close for special events, private parties, seminars, tournaments, or other activities. These planned closures may limit a Participant’s access to the Facility. We do not have any liability to a Participant who cannot access the Facility at a specific time.
DD. We may establish our own rental rates and policies including limiting rental periods to specific days or times during a day. We may rent the use of the Facility to groups in our discretion. We may refuse to rent the use of the Facility to any group if we decide that rental is not in our best interest, the best interest of our Members, or the best interest of the reputation of the Shoot 360 name. Rental of the Facility for special events, private parties, seminars, tournaments, or other activities may require entering into a separate rental agreement with us.
EE.We will make every effort to announce planned closures in advance. No portion of any fees including membership fees paid to us will be refunded to Participants due to planned closures.
FF. 為解決維修或保養,或基於健康及安全原因,我們可能會關閉「場館」、限制「場館」某些區域的進出,或限制某些活動的進行,直到我們在可控範圍內妥善處理或解決該等問題。我們可能會因應維修或保養問題,或健康及安全問題調整營業時間,且無需提前通知參與者。我們將盡力在可控制的範圍內,儘快完成必要的工作。就任何未滿 48 小時之未經預告的臨時關閉「場館」,我們不會減少、暫停、免除或酌減使用費、會費或其他費用。
GG. 為完成修繕或翻新之需要,我們可能會預先公告關閉全部「場館」或限制進出某些區域的時段。我們將盡最大努力減少這段期間對參與者的不便,並在可能的情況下安排在非營業時間進行維修工作。於進行修繕或翻新工作之公告關閉期間少於48小時,或關閉時間在凌晨12點後至6點間,我們將不會減少、暫停、免除或酌減使用費、會費或其他費用。
HH. 因不可抗力情事(如火災、颶風、洪水、地震、政府命令或健康及安全限制等因素致禁止或限制使用「場館設施」)導致服務長期中斷的情況下,我們將依自由裁量決定是否凍結已支付的費用,包括會費,及暫停計算會員的使用期限,並在恢復服務後補償所失去的時間。
Closures Due to Repair, Maintenance, or Health/Safety Concerns
FF. To address repair or maintenance issues, or due to health and safety concerns, we may close, limit access to certain areas in the Facility, or limit certain activities in the Facility until the Facility is able to abate the issue or concern in question if corrections are within our control. We may modify our hours of operation to address repair or maintenance issues, or due to health and safety concerns without advance notice to Participants. We will endeavor to complete the work that it deems necessary to abate these issues and concerns as expeditiously as possible if corrections are within our control. There will be no reduction, suspension, abatement, or apportionment of usage fees, membership fees or other charges during an unannounced closure of less than 48 hours.
GG. We may schedule periods when we must close entirely or limit access to certain areas in the Facility to complete repairs or renovations. We will make every effort to minimize any disruption to Participants during these periods and, if possible, schedule work during off-hours. There will be no reduction, suspension, abatement, or apportionment of usage fees, membership fees or other charges during an announced closure for repair or renovation work of less than 48 hours or where the hours of closure are after 12:00 am and before 6:00 am.
HH.In case of a long-term interruption of service due to circumstances beyond our control (e.g. fire, hurricane, flood, earthquake, governmental order, or health and safety restrictions that forbid or limit use of the Facility), we in our discretion may freeze fees including membership fees paid in advance and suspend memberships, and add the lost time once services resume.
II. 非屬我們聘請或與我們有契約關係的專業訓練員或私人教練不得使用「場館設施」。參與者不得邀請外部專業訓練員或私人教練作為其來賓,在「場館」內為參與者提供私人訓練或指導。
Outside Professionals
II. The Facility may not be used by a teaching professional or personal trainer who is not employed by or under contract with us. A Participant may not invite an outside teaching professional or personal trainer as his/her guest for the purpose of providing personal training to the Participant.
JJ. 當參與者登記進入「場館」並簽署登錄簿時,參與者即被視為已認知其將參與的活動涉及劇烈的體能活動,並可能使參與者面臨某些風險,包括但不限於:
· 參與者可能會受傷(身體或心理),發生健康事件或死亡。
· 參與者的財物可能會損壞。
· 參與者可能會對其他人造成傷害或損壞我們的財物或設備。
· 在「場館」內活動的條件可能會無預警地變化,包括空調故障等情況。
· 倘參與者在「場館」內受傷或發生健康事件,我們可能無法給予治療或護送參與者至醫療院所就診。
· 參與者須承擔參與活動或在「場館」內發生的任何傷害、死亡或財物損壞的風險與責任。
· 參與者須自行判斷是否具備參加其所選擇活動所需的身體條件及技能水平。
· 參與者須自行判斷其參與「場館」內的活動是否需要佩戴個人防護設備。
KK. 參與者基於瞭解上述之風險,茲此拋棄因存在任何上述風險因素而據以要求減少、暫停、免除或酌減費用的權利。
Risk of Use of Facilities
JJ. When a Participant checks into the Facility and signs the Facility’s log-in book, the Participant is deemed to acknowledge that the workout activities he/she will engage in involve strenuous physical activity and may expose the Participant to certain risks which include (without limitation):
· Participant may be injured, physically or mentally, suffer a health event, or die.
· Participant’s property may be damaged.
· Participant may cause injury to other persons or damage our property or equipment.
· The conditions in the Facility affecting exercise may vary without warning including the loss of air conditioning.
· We may not have the ability to treat or transport Participant if Participant is injured or suffers an adverse health event while at the Facility.
· Participant assumes the risk of and responsibility for any injury, death or property damage resulting from his/her participation in the activity or presence in the Facility.
· Participant is solely responsible for determining if Participant is physically fit and has the skill level to engage in the activities he/she chooses to participate in activities at the Facility.
· Participant is solely responsible for determining if Participant needs personal protective equipment to participate in activities at the Facility.
KK. By accepting these risks, a Participant waives any claim to a reduction, suspension, abatement, or apportionment of the fees paid to us due to the existence of any risk factor.
LL. 所有意欲繼續使用「場館設施」之參與者,須儘速以書面通知我們有關其聯繫資訊或健康狀況之任何變更。
Contact Information
LL. All Participants must promptly notify us in writing of any changes in their contact information on file or their medical and health condition if they intend to continue to use the Facility.
applicable to members only
A. 每位會員均為參與者。因此,所有適用於參與者的條款亦適用於會員。
B. 會員資格不得轉讓。會員資格僅允許會員使用「場館設施」,而未賦予會員使用非由我們擁有及經營的其他Shoot 360場館設施之權利。
C. 倘會員合約之特定條款與台灣法律相衝突,則台灣法律將優先適用。
D. 會員資格賦予會員使用「場館設施」的訓練設備及活動空間的權利。會員僅限一人使用,不包括會員的配偶、子女或其他人。會員須在「場館」的營業時間內預約並使用其時間。倘會員未使用完時間或提供的時段不符合會員的需求,將不予退費。
E. 會員就我們的資產不享有任何所有權或利益。會員資格亦未賦予會員參與我們業務決策的權利。
F. 某些會員方案可能包含享有邀請來賓的權利。會員有責任於來賓進入「場館」前,向所邀請的來賓解釋本條款之相關規定,並應就其邀請的來賓於「場館」內的行為負責。來賓僅得在簽署成年人(或未成年人)參與者免責聲明後,方可進入「場館」。所有租用或發給來賓的設備由會員負責按時歸還。來賓違反適用於會員的條款,可能會導致我們要求會員及其來賓離開「場館」,且不予退費,並禁止該來賓未來再進入「場館」。倘會員邀請之來賓反覆違反適用於會員的條款,我們會衡酌具體情事,可能在特定期限或無限期取消邀請來賓的特權或暫停、終止其會員資格
A. A Member is a Participant. Therefore, all Terms and Conditions applicable to Participants apply to Members.
B. Memberships are not transferrable. Membership only allows a Member to use the Facility, and does not provide a Member with reciprocity rights to use other facilities of Shoot 360 not owned and operated by us.
C. If a provision in your membership contract conflicts with Taiwan law, Taiwan law will control. The discussion of your membership contract in these Terms and Conditions is subject to the laws of Taiwan. We are responsible for ensuring that its membership contract complies with Taiwan law.
D. Membership entitles a Member to use the training equipment and workout spaces in the Facility. A membership is for one person and does not include the Member’s spouse, children, or others. A Member may use up to the number of minutes included in his/her membership plan. It is up to the Member to schedule and use his/her minutes during the Facility’s business hours. There are no refunds for unused minutes or if the time slots available to Members are not desired or do not fit into the Member’s schedule.
E. Membership does not confer or include any interest or ownership in the assets of the Facility. Membership grants no right to participate in our business decisions.
F. Certain membership plans may include guest privileges. A Member is responsible for the actions of his/her guest, and shall procure his/her guest to sign an adult (or minor) liability wavier form (as the case may be) before the guest checks into Facility. Any equipment rented or issued to a guest is the responsibility of the Member who is liable for its return. A guest’s violation of the Terms and Conditions applicable to a Member may result in our asking the Member and his/her guest to leave the Facility without refund and denying the guest further access to the Facility. A Member who repeatedly invites guests who violate the Terms and Conditions applicable to a Member may lose his/her future guest privileges for a specific or indefinite period or have his/her membership suspended for a specific or indefinite period or terminated for cause in our discretion.
G. 我們將於「官網」公布我們提供予會員之會員方案、會費與付款條款,以及參與者須簽署的會員合約版本。
H. 我們可隨時自行決定變更會員方案、會員權利、會費、付款條款及會員合約條款,新增會員方案、會費及使用條款。我們會盡力在任何變更生效至少 30 天前通知會員。我們不會在會員合約效期內重大地修改會員的權利。
I. 我們得隨時基於任何原因終止會員資格。倘我們無故終止會員資格,亦即非因會員重大違約的原因而終止時,我們須在會員合約規定的期限內或依據適用法律之規定,將未使用的費用退還給會員。
J. 會員簽署會員合約時,需簽署一份信用卡授權書,允許我們在會員合約效期內,按照合約所載的日期,向指定的信用卡發卡銀行收取每月會費。此授權將在會員合約終止、會員取消或不再續約前持續有效。會員應確保持更新其信用卡資訊。倘付款被拒絕或遭拒付,我們得在逾期款項外另收取相關行政費用,並要求會員預付會費。
K. 如果我們收到因帳戶關閉、停止付款或資金不足的退單,會員資格將在我們收到付款或會員提供新的付款資訊前暫停。倘因付款問題導致會員資格被暫停,則已收取之會費將不予退還。
Membership Fees and Payment Terms
G. We post on the Facility Webpage the membership plans that we offer and our membership fees and payment terms and the form of the membership contract that a Participant must sign to join as a Member.
H. We may change its membership plans privileges, fees, payment terms, and contract, add new plans, and impose new plans, fees, and terms of use at any time at our discretion. We endeavor to provide at least 30 days’ notice before changes take effect. Changes will not materially modify Member privileges during the term of the membership contract.
I. We may terminate a Member’s membership for any reason at any time. If we terminate your membership without cause, meaning for reasons not due to your material breach of your membership contract, we will refund any unused fees to you within the time period specified in your membership contract or as required by applicable law.
J. When a Member signs the membership contract, the Member will sign a credit card authorization permitting us to charge a designated credit card for all fees and other charges incurred during the membership contract term on the date specified in the membership contract including monthly dues. This authorization shall remain in full effect until the Member ends his/her membership through cancellation or non-renewal. A Member is responsible for keeping his/her credit card information current. In case payment is rejected or denied, we may impose an administrative fee in addition to the past due balance and require the Member to prepay membership dues.
K. If we receive closed account, stop payment, or insufficient fund returns, a Member’s membership will be suspended until the payment is received or new payment information is provided. Membership fees will not be refunded if membership is suspended due to a payment issue.
L. 會員最早得在 7 天前預訂「場館設施」內之投籃場地及控球傳球區,每次預訂最多60 分鐘,但投籃場地最長可使用 30 分鐘,控球傳球區最長可使用 30 分鐘,合計60分鐘。預訂是基於先到先訂的原則。會員得在原預訂時間結束且仍有場地可用之情況下增訂額外的時間。
M. 倘在預約時間前不到 2 小時取消預定,則可能會收取爽約費用。我們得自行決定爽約費用及相關政策,會員預訂前應瞭解爽約費用及政策。
N. 除會員至少在預訂時間開始前 30 分鐘親自或透過電話通知我們,否則預訂會在預約時間開始後最多 保留10 分鐘。倘會員未在前述 10 分鐘內到達,當次預訂將被取消且視為爽約。
O. 預訂投籃場地及控球傳球區的方式僅限於親自在「場館」櫃台、在「場館」營業時間內以電話或「官網」上辦理。預訂確認後,我們將以口頭(倘係親自或電話預訂)或透過「官網」即時發送確認資訊給會員。倘會員未收到確認,則表示未完成預訂。
Court Reservations
L. A Member may reserve a shooting court and ball-handling station at the Facility up to 7 days in advance and for up to 30 minutes per workout activity (i.e., for up to 60 minutes, with a maximum of 30 minutes for a shooting court and a maximum of 30 minutes for a ball-handling station). Reservations are accepted on a “first-come first-served” basis. A Member may schedule additional workout time after their reserved workout time expires depending on availability.
M. A no-show fee may be charged for reservations that are cancelled less than 2 hours before the reservation start time. We may determine the no-show fee and policy and a Member is responsible for knowing our no-show fee and policy.
N. Unless a Member notifies us in person or by phone at least 30 minutes before his/her reservation start time that he/she will arrive after their reservation start time, reservations will be held for no more than 10 minutes after the reservation start time.
O. Reservations for a shooting court or ball-handling station at the Facility may only be made in person at the Facility, by phone during our posted business hours, by mobile application (“Mobile App”) directed to us, or on the Facility Webpage. A reservation confirmation will either be communicated verbally (if the reservation is made in person or by phone) or sent immediately to the Participant if made by Mobile App or on the Facility Webpage. A Member who does not receive a confirmation does not have a reservation.
applicable to COMPETITORS only
A. 參賽者係參與者。因此,參賽者在「場館設施」內參加投籃比賽時,所有適用於參與者的條款將同樣適用於參賽者。
B. 不論參賽者是否是我們的會員,參賽者必須在報名參加投籃比賽且在首次參加投籃比賽前,與我們簽署投籃比賽合約,同意支付與投籃比賽相關的費用、付款條款及政策。
C. 我們將於「官網」公告參加投籃比賽之費用、付款條款及政策,以及參賽者在參加投籃比賽時必須簽署的投籃比賽合約版本。我們可能隨時修改投籃比賽之費用、付款條款或政策,且可加收新費用。新費用及付款條款將適用於變更生效後簽署之投籃比賽合約。我們將努力在變更生效至少 30 天前公布變更後之投籃比賽費用、付款條款或政策。
D. 不論投籃比賽是否在「場館設施」或其他設施舉辦,具有會員身分之參賽者均須支付額外費用始能參加。
E. 當簽署投籃比賽合約時,參賽者將簽署信用卡授權書,授權我們向參賽者指定的信用卡發卡銀行收取所有與投籃比賽相關的費用。前述授權將在投籃比賽結束前持續有效。參賽者應確保其信用卡資訊之更新。倘投籃比賽費用因任何原因被拒絕或遭拒付,參賽者須付清費用始得參加投籃比賽。
F. 我們將在「官網」上公布投籃比賽活動的時間表。倘參賽者無法參加投籃比賽,無權要求退費。
G. 我們得基於任何原因取消預定的投籃比賽,但將盡力提前通知參賽者,並重新安排取消之投籃比賽。倘參賽者無法參加重新安排的投籃比賽,無權要求退費。
H. 倘參賽者未遵守適用於參與者使用「場館設施」的條款,我們得暫停或終止參賽者參加投籃比賽的權利。
I. 倘投籃比賽隊伍的經理向我們反應隊員對投籃比賽的體驗不滿意,我們會將已支付的參賽費用全額退還投籃比賽隊伍及個別參賽者。
J. 由於投籃比賽為現場競賽,我們無法為未能參加投籃比賽的隊伍重新安排補賽。
A. A Competitor is a Participant. Therefore, all Terms and Conditions applicable to Participants apply to a Competitor with respect to his/her participation in a Shooting League at the Facility.
B. Whether or not a Competitor is our Member, a Competitor must sign a Shooting League contract with us when the Competitor enrolls in the Shooting League and before the first Shooting League competition takes place agreeing to the fees, payment terms, and policies applicable to participation in the Shooting League.
C. We post on the Facility Webpage our fees, payment terms, and policies for the Shooting League programs that we run, and the form of Shooting League contract that a Competitor must sign to join a Shooting League at the Facility. We may change our Shooting League fees, payment terms, and policies and impose new fees at any time. New fees and payment terms will apply prospectively to new Shooting League contracts signed after the change becomes effective. We endeavor to post changes in our Shooting League fees, payment terms, or policies at least 30 days before changes take effect.
D. A Competitor who is a Member must pay additional fees to participate in a Shooting League whether the Shooting League is conducted at the Facility or at another facility.
E. When a Competitor signs his/her Shooting League contract, the Competitor will sign a credit or debit card authorization permitting us to charge the Competitor’s designated credit or debit card for all fees and other charges incurred in connection with the Shooting League. This authorization shall remain in full effect through the end of the Shooting League competition. A Competitor is responsible for keeping he/she credit or debit card information current. A Competitor will be denied the right to participate in a Shooting League if payment of Shooting League fees is denied or rejected for any reason until the Competitor brings his/her account current.
F. We will publish our schedule of Shooting League events on the Facility Webpage. A Competitor is not entitled to a refund if he/she cannot attend a Shooting League event.
G. We may cancel a scheduled Shooting League event for any reason, but will endeavor to give Competitors advance notice of any cancellation. We will use our best efforts to reschedule Shooting League events that have been cancelled. Competitors are not entitled to a refund if he/she cannot attend the rescheduled Shooting League event.
H. We may suspend or terminate a Competitor’s right to participate in a Shooting League if the Competitor does not observe the Terms and Conditions of use that apply to all Participants that use the Facility.
I. If the manager of a Shooting League team communicates to us that the Competitors on the Shooting League team are unsatisfied with their Shooting League experience, the Shooting League team and individual Competitors shall be entitled to a full refund of fees paid to participate in the Shooting League competition.
J. Given the Shoot 360 Leagues are a live competition, we are unable to reschedule make-up games in the event a team is unable to participate in one of the scheduled league games.
applicable to all PARTICIPANTS
A. 參與者使用「場館設施」即表示同意遵守本條款。參與者瞭解並同意,我們未曾為促使參與者使用「場館設施」、加入會員或以參賽者身份參加投籃比賽而作出本條款未載明的任何承諾。
B. 本條款對參與者的繼承人具有拘束力。
C. 參與者應,且應確保其來賓應,使我們,Shoot 360 Nation LLC,其關係企業,代理人及員工(以下合稱「受保護方」)免於因參與者或其來賓使用「場館設施」導致任何「受保護方」感染疾病、遭竊、被索賠、受傷、或負擔責任而受到損害,但損害之發生係因任何「受保護方」之故意不當行為或重大過失所致者除外。
D. 本條款以台灣法律為準據法並從其解釋。 因本條款或其解釋或執行所生或與之有關的任何爭議,應以台灣台北地方法院為第一審管轄法院。此外,任何法律行動均須以個人名義,而非以集體訴訟方式為之。除法院裁決之任何其他救濟外,勝訴之一方亦得請求敗訴方支付其合理之律師費。 倘任一方未於知悉或可得知悉其有權提起訴訟之日起一年內提起訴訟,將不得再提起任何訴訟。
E. 倘本條款中之任何約定遭管轄法院認定為違法、無效或無執行力,則(i) 該條款將在儘可能得以達成與原條款相同經濟效果下視為業經修改,且 (ii) 該法院裁決不影響或損及其餘條款的合法性、有效性及可執行性。
F. 除經我們以書面同意外,不視為我們拋棄行使本條款之任何權利。倘經我們就特定事件以書面表示拋棄行使本條款之任何權利,亦不視為同意就參與者未來或其他違約行為拋棄我們的權利或給予寬容。
G. 本條款在您的會員資格終止或參賽之投籃比賽結束後繼續有效。
A. Participant’s use of the Facility constitutes his/her agreement to abide by these Terms and Conditions . A Participant acknowledges and agrees that no promises have been made to induce the Participant to use the Facility, join as a Member, or participate in a Shooting League as a Competitor that are inconsistent with these Terms and Conditions.
B. These Terms and Conditions are binding on a Participant’s heirs.
C. Participants shall, and shall procure their guests to, hold us, Shoot 360 Nation LLC and its affiliates, agents and employees, harmless from any illness, loss, theft, cost, claim, injury, damage or liability (“Damages”) incurred by any of them as a result of Participants’ or their guests’ use of the Facility except for Damages which result from the willful misconduct or gross negligence of us or our respective affiliates, agents or employees.
D. The interpretation and enforcement of these Terms and Conditions is governed in all respects by Taiwan law. Any dispute arising out of these Terms and Conditions must be brought in the Taipei District Court of Taiwan as the court of the first instance. Additionally, any action that a Participant or we institute against the other pertaining to these Terms and Conditions must be conducted on an individual, not on a class-wide, basis. The party prevailing in the action shall be entitled to recover its reasonable attorneys’ fees in addition to any other relief awarded by the court. Actions not brought within one year from the date the complaining party knew or should have known of the facts giving rise to the action are barred.
E. If any provision in these Terms and Conditions is held by a court to be illegal, invalid or unenforceable, (i) that provision will be deemed amended to achieve as nearly as possible the same economic effect as the original provision, and (ii) the legality, validity and enforceability of the remaining provisions of the applicable Terms and Conditions will not be affected or impaired due to the court’s ruling.
F. We shall not be deemed to waive any of these Terms and Conditions unless the waiver is in writing and signed by us. If a written waiver is given, it will not operate or be construed as a waiver of, consent to, or excuse of, any other or subsequent breach by a Participant of these Terms and Conditions.
G. If you are a Member or Competitor, the provisions in these Terms and Conditions shall survive the termination or cancellation of your membership or the conclusion of a Shooting League competition.
Personal Data Consent Form
本同意書說明咻三六零股份有限公司(以下簡稱本公司)如何蒐集、處理及使用您的個人資料。 當您在「我已閱讀並接受上述條款」旁的方框打勾時,表示您已瞭解並同意接受本同意書之條款。
This Consent Form stipulates how we, Shoot 360 Asia, Inc. collect, process and use of your personal data. By clicking the box next to “I have read and agree to the foregoing terms and conditions”, you acknowledge that you understand and agree to accept the terms and conditions of this Consent Form.
If you are under the age of 18, your legal guardian clicking the box next to “I have read and agree to the foregoing terms and conditions” represents that your legal guardian has agreed on your behalf the terms and conditions of this Consent Form.
1. 本公司蒐集您個人資料之目的係作為管理您參與本公司數據分析服務之用。本公司將依循中華民國個人資料保護法及其他適用法律之規蒐集、處理及利用您的個人資料。
a) 個人資料之類別:
b) 個人資料處理、利用之期間、地區、對象及方式:
(1) 期間:自您參與本公司數據分析服務期間,以及其後本公司需要及法令許可之任何時間。
(2) 地區:台灣、美國及本公司從事業務活動之其他地區。
(3) 對象:本公司、Shoot 360 Nation LLC及/或渠等之關係企業,以及與本公司、Shoot 360 Nation LLC及/或渠等之關係企有業務往來或交易之對象。
(4) 方式:依「個人資料保護法」規定以電子及非電子方式蒐集、處理個人資料(檔案),及將蒐集之個人資料為處理以外之其他使用,暨將個人資料作跨國(境)之處理或利用等。
1. We collect your personal data for administration and management of your participation of our data processing and analysis services and will handle the collection, process and use of your personal data in compliance with the Taiwan Personal Data Protection Act and other applicable laws.
a) Classification of the personal data:
Any kind of information which may be used to identify you and/or your personal characteristics and personality traits, family status, hobbies and habits, interests, educational experience, health records, and others, including but not limited to the following: name, home telephone number, cell phone number, address(es) for communication and permanent address, photo(s), email address(es), bank A/C(s) and name(s), ID number, passport number, age, gender, date of birth, place of birth, nationality, height, weight, blood type, parents, electronic communication data.
b) Period, area, receiving party, and manner of use and processing of personal data:
(1) Period: Commencing from the time you participate in our data process and analysis services and anytime thereafter as required by us and permitted by law.
(2) Area: Taiwan, the US and other countries where our activities are concerned.
(3) Receiving Party: Shoot 360 Asia, Inc., Shoot 360 Nation LLC and/or their affiliates, and any persons/entities with which Shoot 360 Asia, Inc., Shoot 360 Nation LLC and/or its affiliates have business relationships or transactions.
(4) Manner: Personal data will be collected, processed and used electronically and non-electronically in accordance with the Personal Data Protection Act. Your personal data may be processed or used internationally.
2. 您可依個人資料保護法及其他適用法律,就您的個人資料向本公司:(1)請求查詢或閱覽、(2)製給複製本、(3)請求補充或更正、(4)請求停止或限制蒐集、處理及利用,或(5)請求刪除。但因本公司執行職務或業務所必需者,本公司得拒絕之。倘因您行使上述之任何權利而導致您的權益受損時,本公司不負相關賠償責任。
2. According to the Personal Data Protection Act and other applicable laws, you may (1) enquire and request for a review of your personal data; (2) request to make duplications of your personal data; (3) request to supplement or correct your personal data; (4) request to discontinue or restrict collection, processing, or use of your personal data; or (5) request to delete your personal data; provided, however, that we reserve the right to reject any request based on business needs. We willnot be responsible for any damages to your rights and benefits resulting from your exercising any of the foregoingrights.
3. 您得自由選擇是否提供個人資料予本公司,若您拒絕提供之相關資料為本公司提供服務所必要者,則本公司可能無法提供您所需要的服務。如您提供的個人資料有錯誤、不實、過時或不完整,亦可能損及您的權益。
3. You may decide not to provide us with your personal data; however, we may not be able to provide the services required by you if we do not receive your personal data required by us. Your rights and benefits may also be impaired if you provide incorrect, untrue, outdated, or incomplete information to us.
4. 若您的個人資料有任何異動,請主動向本公司申請更正,使其資料保持正確、完整性。
4. You should contact us to make any changes to your personal data in order to ensure that your personal data is accurate, up-to-date, and complete.
5. 本同意書未盡事宜,謹依本公司隱私保護政策辦理,詳情可在https://www.shoot360.com/privacy-policy查閱。若您欲行使相關權利,請透過本公司LINE官方網站(LINE ID:@shhot360)或以信函寄送至本公司地址:臺北市新湖二路146巷19號5樓。
5. In regard to any matter not set forth in this Consent Form, it will be handled in accordance with our privacy policy. Please visit https://www.shoot360.com/privacy-policy for further information. If you wish to exercise any right hereunder, please contact us via our official LINE account (LINE ID: @shoot360) or by sending letter to our address: 5F., No. 19, Xinhu 2nd Rd., Taipei City.
6. 準據法與管轄法院:本同意書之解釋與適用,以及本同意書有關之爭議,均應依照中華民國法律予以處理,並以台北地方法院為第一審管轄法院。
6. Governing Law and Jurisdiction: This Consent Form shall be interpreted in accordance with the laws of the Republic of China (Taiwan). Any disputes arising under this Consent Form shall be submitted to the Taipei District Court as the court of the first instance.